The power within

I'm often baffled by the statement "women are such complex beings" simply because it places ALL women into one category, totally disregarding our individual preferences, personalities and cognition. I'm yet to encounter an individual that sees women as free-spirited beings who encompass individual autonomy and are easy to read, which makes them "more accessible beings". To be fair, I probably have come across such people (particularly men), but nobody dares to out-rightly claim that the female species is simple and clear-cut, because chances are, they have had a counter-experience. In my view, women are not complex beings. Not at all. Self-governance, self-reassurance and control over our feelings is what we hold dear to us, or at least yearn to possess. Before we can convince anybody that we are great, there has to be a part of us that vividly believes it first, even if it that may take us yonks to establish. Every woman wants to feel powerful in the...